You win.

Your customers win.

It feels good to make a difference. Flying more sustainably with SAF is a serious difference. The kind of difference that strengthens trust and brand loyalty.

Benefit from being a partner.


Take a stand

Stakeholders and customers are looking for sustainability. You can make that step.


Gain new insights

Use sustainability to measure, report, and learn from your customers.


Our full support

Integrate climate action into your customer experience or sustainability programs.

Climate API for travel companies.

We’re the perfect partner for integrating climate compensation options into the customer experience. For airlines, TMCs (travel management companies), and any other company involved in the travel business. Our APIs are ideal for climate compensation options at any digital checkout. That includes a logged-in experience to track, report and analyze program performance across all your digital channels.

Let's talk.

Would you like to know more about how climate action can become an integrated part of your customer experience? Just send us an email, it's always a pleasure to help.

Changing the way the world flies.

Fly on SAF is powered by SkyNRG and CHOOOSE.

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