Flying more sustainably?

It's possible.

Whether you're flying for business or pleasure, wouldn't you like to fly more sustainably? With SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) you can!

Calculate your carbon footprint.

Enter the information for your flight. See how much you can reduce your

carbon footprint with SAF.

Reduce your carbon footprint now.

The most effective way to act more sustainably is to fly less. Or, limit your air travel by choosing other greener modes of transport. However, when flying is essential, you can actually reduce your carbon emissions. How? By choosing SAF. Upload the travel itinerary from your previous or next flight, and our system will calculate the carbon footprint of your flight. You can then see what happens when you choose to reduce your footprint with SAF and reforestation projects. You can partly or completely reduce your carbon footprint. In other words, by paying more, you can fly more sustainably. 

SAF. Join a worldwide movement.

More people in more countries all around the world are choosing to fly on SAF. SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) is made from sustainable materials, like used cooking oil and agricultural waste. By flying on SAF, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and fly more sustainably.

The three benefits of using SAF.


You can reduce your

carbon footprint



You're part of the

greener flying



You accelerate the

switch to more

sustainable flying

SkyNRG, trusted worldwide.

Certified B Corporation™.
SkyNRG is a business that meets the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. We adhere to the highest sustainability standards, and we are a trusted partner for many of the largest companies worldwide.

RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials).
SkyNRG’s operations are certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), the highest possible certification for sustainable fuels. RSB is an independent organization that believes in cooperation and collaboration to drive the development of these fuels. The ultimate goal is to provide tools and solutions to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“We invest and innovate to make sure more people can fly on SAF. Helping preserve our planet for future generations.”

Karlijn Arts

Sustainability Manager, SkyNRG

Get in touch.

Do you have any questions? Can we support you in any way? Just send us an email, it's always a pleasure to help.

Changing the way the world flies.

Fly on SAF is powered by SkyNRG and CHOOOSE.

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